Heaven’s drizzle

  • – render
  • Standing in the hallway with blinking lights.
    Modest drizzle droplets slide down the panes beside;
    Each drop could be a wonder,
    Each drop that caught the eyes;
    If rain made heaven like today,
    What man deserved to die?
    Overgrown windowsill’s awe-inspiring,
    Lush with tender vines;
    Did Lord made the good earth
    Or man won it to their pride?
    Jacana still lingers long past the twilight,
    Has it begun to ponder of that’s left last to cry?
    And all the empty vases while waited petals grow,
    Invast seasons wishing the last withered no more.
    Like the satin curtains veiled nature’s play,
    On road to any heaven, man stood at doorway.
    No jump surpassed such tallness, or by strength overthrown,
    No music could reach the ears, the magic they did before.